Department Chair: Virginie Gournet
Charter Arts offers students the choice of a foreign language concentration in Mandarin, Spanish, and French. The primary goal of the World Languages department is to create proficient speakers through a gradual immersion into the target language. Teachers engage students in rigorous, experiential activities that nurture students’ abilities not only in the major communication areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, but also cross-cultural understanding and community building. Art is a universal language that is integrated into foreign language study. Students participate in meaningful, intense classroom and independent practice that scaffolds rote repetition to creative, interdisciplinary project-based learning. In Spanish, higher-level students pursue Advanced Placement their senior year after proving mastery of the fundamentals.
Initial 9th grade placement is based upon the academic review at the time of the audition and on a placement exam if a student is interested in registering for a level other than level one. In order to place out of a level, the student must take and score 85% or higher on the final exam for that course.