Diana, Jessica
Specialized Services Administrator
Jessica is excited to return to Charter Arts for her fifth academic year. This year is Jessica’s second year as assistant principal; prior to administration, Jessica served as a special education teacher and case manager. Jessica specializes in student support services, specifically overseeing our special education and school counseling departments. Additionally, she is the School Safety Coordinator and administrative representative of the SAP team. Jessica’s favorite part of her job is finding new and innovative ways to support students and build community relationships. Jessica’s true passion is student advocacy and the never-ending pursuit of honing in on her leadership skills.
Jessica received her Bachelor’s degree from Montclair State University in Elementary Education and pursued her Special Education Certificate from Centenary University’s Graduate school. Jessica holds a Master’s Degree in Special Education. She will finish her second Master’s Degree in Professional and Secondary Education with a concentration in Educational Leadership from East Stroudsburg University in May 2023. Jessica will pursue her Doctorate in Educational Leadership after completing her current program.
Jessica is a newlywed and proud mother of four beautiful children. She loves watching her sons play football and compete on the wrestling team. She also fosters puppies for a local shelter. You can find Jessica reading books on pedagogy, diversity, and inclusion when she has free time.