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Student Assistance Program

What is the Student Assistance Program?

The Charter Arts Student Assistance Program (SAP) team is comprised of faculty members, including administrators, school counselors, the school nurse, and academic teachers, as well as liaisons from community agencies.   The team meets on a weekly basis to discuss students who have been referred and who are potentially in need of support.  All of the team members have been professionally trained to identify issues/concerns, determine whether or not the presenting problems lie within the scope of the school, and to make recommendations to assist the student and the parent/guardian.  The primary goal of SAP is to help students overcome the barriers they are facing in order to achieve success, and to connect students and their families with appropriate resources.

Below you will find links to our Student Assistance Program information sheet, referral form, national and local resources, as well as topical news from our regional Student Assistance Program (SAP) liaisons. Our team coordinator is Olivia Price All referrals may be submitted directly to Ms. Price or to a locked drop box in the Main Office.

Questions? Please contact a member of the student assistance team or an administrator for support.

Forms and Links

SAP Confidential Referral FORM

SAP Information Sheet

Student Assistance Parent Consent Form

Student/Parent Resource Guide

SAP Additional Feedback Questionnaire- Optional


Our Student Assistance Team Currently includes the following faculty and staff:

Olivia Price, , SAP Coordinator
Doug Boyer,
Jessica Diana,
Robert Ippolito,
Nader Manavizadeh,

Local Resources

Additional Links

How to Talk to Your Children about Drugs

Understanding the Biology and Staying Involved

The Brain: Understanding Neurobiology Through the Study of Addiction (The National Insistute of Health;

Staying Involved in Your Teenager’s Life

Parents: The Anti-Drug [PDF]

Time To Act: What To Do if Your Child is Using Drugs [PDF]