Interested in learning more about our award-winning school?
Join us for a Virtual Information Session on April 7th or schedule a tour.
Sign Up through our Admissions page.

Interested in learning more about our award-winning school?
Join us for a Virtual Information Session on April 7th or schedule a tour.
Sign Up through our Admissions page.

Calendar of Events

Event List Calendar

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Summer Dance

Monday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

4:30-6:00pm Basic Jazz

6:00- 7:30pm   Intermediate/Advanced Jazz

6:00-7:30pm  Stretch Class (all levels)

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


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Summer Dance

Thursday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

6:00-7:30pm  Intermediate/Advanced Modern

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


Venture Academy #3

Join us this summer for:



This series of guided explorations is designed to promote provocative ideas, images, and sensations for the curious adult seeking to cope with an increasingly complex, bewildering, exciting, wondrous, and interesting world.

A special opportunity to collaboratively explore the astounding strangeness of our global world, as well as many other unknown worlds, with a stimulating array of seasoned and highly qualified guides.

Participants will uncover a new Exploration/Adventure each week, including:

SESSION I: Thursday, July 7 from 6pm-8:30pm
“The Dead Still Speak: Understanding the Living by Exploring a Bethlehem Cemetery”

For this exploration there will be some small preliminary readings/discussion, then we will visit the Nisky Hill Cemetery in Bethlehem.  In the cemetery we will focus on how the monuments of the past advertised the lives or aspired-to lives of those buried, as well as how they speak to us today.  The cemetery will be a guided tour and an assignment for participants to isolate and gather specific types of information which we will discuss at the end of the tour.

Guide:  David Small, Professor of Archaeology Lehigh University; with special expertise in cultural anthropology, archaeological theory, archaeological digs, comparative mortuary/cemetery tradition.

SESSION II:  Tuesday, July 12 from 6pm-8:30pm
“Profound Changes Beneath the Middle Eastern Sand Dunes”

Most of our information about the Arabic World comes from short sound bites or media clips.  Let’s go beneath the surface and explore the tensions developing as the Arabic and Islamic World in the Middle East confronts the issues of women in the workplace, of international curricula in schools, and of secular influences in the culture.

Guide:  Roland Yoshida, Former Professor and Dean of the College of Education, Provost Emeritus of Lehigh University, has special expertise in the education theory of exceptional children and international education. He has recently served for fifteen months as an advisor to the Pre-University Education Division of the Qatar Foundation in Doha.  

SESSION III: Tuesday, July 19 from 6pm-8:30pm
“An Insider’s History of Bethlehem- through the Amazing Life of H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)”

Explore the history of the great city of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, from the Moravian settlement to the rise of the steel industry, through the memoirs of H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), a pioneering feminist-and pacifist, and one of the most influential poets of the 20th century.  This will be an interactive discussion and a walking tour.

Guide:  Seth Moglen, Associate Professor of English, Lehigh University;  is a scholar of 19th- and 20th-Century American Literature and American studies. He is currently at work on a book, “Bethlehem: American Utopia, American Tragedy,” which explores the 270-year history of one iconic American city.

SESSION IV:  Tuesday, July 26 from 6pm-8:30pm
“The Constructive Imagination in the Art of Invention: the Role of Creativity in the Art of Architecture”

This interactive exploration will demonstrate how the use of analogy, simulation and metaphor are used in the creative process. There will be examples from his design studios and workshops conducted at Lehigh and internationally. Possible walking tour of Viscardi’s constructions on the Lehigh campus.

Guide: Anthony Viscardi, Professor of Architecture & Art, Lehigh University, a nationally and internationally known scholar-teacher in the design and art of architecture.  Throughout his career in architectural practice and as a professor of architecture, Viscardi has continued to work as an artist and has had many solo and group exhibitions.

SESSION V:  Tuesday, August 2 from 6pm-8:30pm
“Moravian Lives through the Centuries”

Before there were blogs, Facebook or Internet searches how were our life stories told? Based on the Moravian tradition of writing a Lebenslauf (memoir) as a validation of one’s life to be shared with their community, we will interactively explore the oral and written practices of the past and discover possibilities for ourselves today.

Guide:  Frank Shipman is currently completing studies at Moravian Theological Seminary. He was the 2015 recipient of the Herman T. Frueauff Memorial Prize for his work and research in Moravian history. 

SESSION VI:  Tuesday, August 9 from 6pm-8:30pm
“A Pilgrim’s Guide to What You Need to Know about Religion Today”

Religions have decidedly not withered away under the laser-like scrutiny of rationality and scientific scrutiny.  In fact, ever since the new millennium and especially after the cataclysmic event of 9/11, it is clear that “religions” in all of their significantly positive and terrible forms have come roaring back into our global and internet connected world. So why do we do religion, where does it come from, where is it going, is it something we can’t live without, and do we need to get rid of it?  An interactive and comparative exploration of some of these issues along with discussion, some internet spelunking, and provocative short videos and/or power point.

Guide:  Norman Girardot, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Comparative Religion, Lehigh University, is an author and scholar with special expertise in Chinese religion, prehistoric religion, popular religion, outsider art and religion, and the strangeness of the human condition.

Dates and Times for the Explorations

Venture Academy is held from 6pm-8:30pm on the following dates.  Your Adventure Pass covers all six sessions.

SESSION #1:  Thursday, July 7 6pm-8:30pm  (*this is the only Thursday night)

SESSION #2:  Tuesday, July 12 6pm-8:30pm

SESSION #3:  Tuesday, July 19 6pm-8:30pm

SESSION #4:  Tuesday, July 26 6pm-8:30pm

SESSION #5:  Tuesday, August 2 6pm-8:30pm

SESSION #6:  Tuesday, August 9 6pm-8:30pm

CONCLUDING BONUS EVENT:  Participants will be invited to attend a free social gathering and special TED talk-style Venture Academy Talk (VAT) on August 16th at 6pm.  This session will include a vibrant topic and guest speaker that will kick-off the VAT series of presentations, to begin in the fall of 2016.  This session will also serve as a way for participants to meet for discussion and feedback with the Academy guides and Charter Arts staff regarding the Venture Academy experience.  Refreshments will be served.


Open to adults, 18+.

ADVENTURE PASS (Single):   $125

COUPLE/BUDDY PASS (Two):  $95 each

Early Registration Discount:  $10 off if registered by May 31, 2016

‘One Session’ Pass: $45 each (early registration discount does not apply)


The above program is an adult enrichment workshop series, open to the community. Proceeds from the program benefit teachers’ salaries at the Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts.


Summer Dance

Tuesday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

4:30-6:00pm Basic Modern

6:00- 7:30pm   Intermediate/Advanced Modern

6:00-7:30pm  Basic Ballet

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


Summer Dance

Monday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

4:30-6:00pm Basic Jazz

6:00- 7:30pm   Intermediate/Advanced Jazz

6:00-7:30pm  Stretch Class (all levels)

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


Shakespeare Intensive

Shakespeare Intensive
“To be or not to be..”–This workshop will challenge the teen actor with all that is Shakespeare–from fundamentals to performing soliloquies. Certainly a MUST HAVE skill set in every actor’s arsenal of training and an important resume builder.
Open to teens entering 8th-12th grade
One Week Session: July 18-22
9:30am-12:00pm daily
Instructor: Morris

Register: .2016SummerAcademyRegistration-3

This workshop is part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops that are open to the community.


Instrumental Jazz Camp

Charter Arts Instrumental Jazz Camp
The Charter Arts Instrumental Jazz Camp offers an immersive, week long experience for students going into grades 8-12 who are interested in jazz music. Enrollment is open to all horns, winds, and rhythm section (piano, bass, drums, guitar etc.) players.  No audition required.  The students will focus on jazz and improvised music through listening and performance while working with our distinguished music faculty.  Students can expect to spend their day playing in small groups, reading big band charts, performing for their peers, and participating in group improvisation classes.   The camp will culminate in a professionally recorded public performance.
One Week Session:  July 18-22
9:00am-12:30pm daily
Instructors:  Lorenz, Wells, Eicher, Maher

Register: .2016SummerAcademyRegistration-3

This workshop is part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


Summer Dance

Thursday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

6:00-7:30pm  Intermediate/Advanced Modern

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


Venture Academy #2

Join us this summer for:



This series of guided explorations is designed to promote provocative ideas, images, and sensations for the curious adult seeking to cope with an increasingly complex, bewildering, exciting, wondrous, and interesting world.

A special opportunity to collaboratively explore the astounding strangeness of our global world, as well as many other unknown worlds, with a stimulating array of seasoned and highly qualified guides.

Participants will uncover a new Exploration/Adventure each week, including:

SESSION I: Thursday, July 7 from 6pm-8:30pm
“The Dead Still Speak: Understanding the Living by Exploring a Bethlehem Cemetery”

For this exploration there will be some small preliminary readings/discussion, then we will visit the Nisky Hill Cemetery in Bethlehem.  In the cemetery we will focus on how the monuments of the past advertised the lives or aspired-to lives of those buried, as well as how they speak to us today.  The cemetery will be a guided tour and an assignment for participants to isolate and gather specific types of information which we will discuss at the end of the tour.

Guide:  David Small, Professor of Archaeology Lehigh University; with special expertise in cultural anthropology, archaeological theory, archaeological digs, comparative mortuary/cemetery tradition.

SESSION II:  Tuesday, July 12 from 6pm-8:30pm
“Profound Changes Beneath the Middle Eastern Sand Dunes”

Most of our information about the Arabic World comes from short sound bites or media clips.  Let’s go beneath the surface and explore the tensions developing as the Arabic and Islamic World in the Middle East confronts the issues of women in the workplace, of international curricula in schools, and of secular influences in the culture.

Guide:  Roland Yoshida, Former Professor and Dean of the College of Education, Provost Emeritus of Lehigh University, has special expertise in the education theory of exceptional children and international education. He has recently served for fifteen months as an advisor to the Pre-University Education Division of the Qatar Foundation in Doha.  

SESSION III: Tuesday, July 19 from 6pm-8:30pm
“An Insider’s History of Bethlehem- through the Amazing Life of H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)”

Explore the history of the great city of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, from the Moravian settlement to the rise of the steel industry, through the memoirs of H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), a pioneering feminist-and pacifist, and one of the most influential poets of the 20th century.  This will be an interactive discussion and a walking tour.

Guide:  Seth Moglen, Associate Professor of English, Lehigh University;  is a scholar of 19th- and 20th-Century American Literature and American studies. He is currently at work on a book, “Bethlehem: American Utopia, American Tragedy,” which explores the 270-year history of one iconic American city.

SESSION IV:  Tuesday, July 26 from 6pm-8:30pm
“The Constructive Imagination in the Art of Invention: the Role of Creativity in the Art of Architecture”

This interactive exploration will demonstrate how the use of analogy, simulation and metaphor are used in the creative process. There will be examples from his design studios and workshops conducted at Lehigh and internationally. Possible walking tour of Viscardi’s constructions on the Lehigh campus.

Guide: Anthony Viscardi, Professor of Architecture & Art, Lehigh University, a nationally and internationally known scholar-teacher in the design and art of architecture.  Throughout his career in architectural practice and as a professor of architecture, Viscardi has continued to work as an artist and has had many solo and group exhibitions.

SESSION V:  Tuesday, August 2 from 6pm-8:30pm
“Moravian Lives through the Centuries”

Before there were blogs, Facebook or Internet searches how were our life stories told? Based on the Moravian tradition of writing a Lebenslauf (memoir) as a validation of one’s life to be shared with their community, we will interactively explore the oral and written practices of the past and discover possibilities for ourselves today.

Guide:  Frank Shipman is currently completing studies at Moravian Theological Seminary. He was the 2015 recipient of the Herman T. Frueauff Memorial Prize for his work and research in Moravian history. 

SESSION VI:  Tuesday, August 9 from 6pm-8:30pm
“A Pilgrim’s Guide to What You Need to Know about Religion Today”

Religions have decidedly not withered away under the laser-like scrutiny of rationality and scientific scrutiny.  In fact, ever since the new millennium and especially after the cataclysmic event of 9/11, it is clear that “religions” in all of their significantly positive and terrible forms have come roaring back into our global and internet connected world. So why do we do religion, where does it come from, where is it going, is it something we can’t live without, and do we need to get rid of it?  An interactive and comparative exploration of some of these issues along with discussion, some internet spelunking, and provocative short videos and/or power point.

Guide:  Norman Girardot, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Comparative Religion, Lehigh University, is an author and scholar with special expertise in Chinese religion, prehistoric religion, popular religion, outsider art and religion, and the strangeness of the human condition.

Dates and Times for the Explorations

Venture Academy is held from 6pm-8:30pm on the following dates.  Your Adventure Pass covers all six sessions.

SESSION #1:  Thursday, July 7 6pm-8:30pm  (*this is the only Thursday night)

SESSION #2:  Tuesday, July 12 6pm-8:30pm

SESSION #3:  Tuesday, July 19 6pm-8:30pm

SESSION #4:  Tuesday, July 26 6pm-8:30pm

SESSION #5:  Tuesday, August 2 6pm-8:30pm

SESSION #6:  Tuesday, August 9 6pm-8:30pm

CONCLUDING BONUS EVENT:  Participants will be invited to attend a free social gathering and special TED talk-style Venture Academy Talk (VAT) on August 16th at 6pm.  This session will include a vibrant topic and guest speaker that will kick-off the VAT series of presentations, to begin in the fall of 2016.  This session will also serve as a way for participants to meet for discussion and feedback with the Academy guides and Charter Arts staff regarding the Venture Academy experience.  Refreshments will be served.


Open to adults, 18+.

ADVENTURE PASS (Single):   $125

COUPLE/BUDDY PASS (Two):  $95 each

Early Registration Discount:  $10 off if registered by May 31, 2016

‘One Session’ Pass: $45 each (early registration discount does not apply)


The above program is an adult enrichment workshop series, open to the community. Proceeds from the program benefit teachers’ salaries at the Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts.


Summer Dance

Tuesday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

4:30-6:00pm Basic Modern

6:00- 7:30pm   Intermediate/Advanced Modern

6:00-7:30pm  Basic Ballet

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


Summer Dance

Monday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

4:30-6:00pm Basic Jazz

6:00- 7:30pm   Intermediate/Advanced Jazz

6:00-7:30pm  Stretch Class (all levels)

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


Teen Theatre Intensive Workshop

Teen Theatre Intensive: Acting & Writing
For the younger teen actor who wants to push their acting to the next level, this workshop will be jam-packed with exercises that will fine tune the actor’s individual style. This workshop will also include some writing as well. A great workshop for a student who is considering attending Charter Arts.Open to children entering 8th-10th grade
One Week Session: July 11-15
9:30am-12:00pm daily
Instructor: Morris

Register: .2016SummerAcademyRegistration-3

This workshop is part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops that are open to the community.


Fun with the Arts Day Camp

“Fun with the Arts” Day Camp
This day camp is designed for the child who just wants to have fun exploring dance, music, theater and theatre prop and tech skills. The program is filled with fun, fun, fun and is a great opportunity for kids to tap into their creative side. Kids who attend this session will enjoy meeting new friends, learning from outstanding instructors and will have the chance to let loose! (This program is not designed for the student who wants intense training in a particular arts discipline.)
Open to children entering 4th-7th grade
One-Week Session:  July 11-15
9am-3pm daily

Register: .2016SummerAcademyRegistration-3

A Limited Number of  Scholarships are available for the Fun with the Arts program.  If  you would like more information, email:

This workshop is part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops that are open to the community.


Venture Academy #1

Join us this summer for:



This series of guided explorations is designed to promote provocative ideas, images, and sensations for the curious adult seeking to cope with an increasingly complex, bewildering, exciting, wondrous, and interesting world.

A special opportunity to collaboratively explore the astounding strangeness of our global world, as well as many other unknown worlds, with a stimulating array of seasoned and highly qualified guides.

Participants will uncover a new Exploration/Adventure each week, including:

SESSION I: Thursday, July 7 from 6pm-8:30pm
“The Dead Still Speak: Understanding the Living by Exploring a Bethlehem Cemetery”

For this exploration there will be some small preliminary readings/discussion, then we will visit the Nisky Hill Cemetery in Bethlehem.  In the cemetery we will focus on how the monuments of the past advertised the lives or aspired-to lives of those buried, as well as how they speak to us today.  The cemetery will be a guided tour and an assignment for participants to isolate and gather specific types of information which we will discuss at the end of the tour.

Guide:  David Small, Professor of Archaeology Lehigh University; with special expertise in cultural anthropology, archaeological theory, archaeological digs, comparative mortuary/cemetery tradition.

SESSION II:  Tuesday, July 12 from 6pm-8:30pm
“Profound Changes Beneath the Middle Eastern Sand Dunes”

Most of our information about the Arabic World comes from short sound bites or media clips.  Let’s go beneath the surface and explore the tensions developing as the Arabic and Islamic World in the Middle East confronts the issues of women in the workplace, of international curricula in schools, and of secular influences in the culture.

Guide:  Roland Yoshida, Former Professor and Dean of the College of Education, Provost Emeritus of Lehigh University, has special expertise in the education theory of exceptional children and international education. He has recently served for fifteen months as an advisor to the Pre-University Education Division of the Qatar Foundation in Doha.  

SESSION III: Tuesday, July 19 from 6pm-8:30pm
“An Insider’s History of Bethlehem- through the Amazing Life of H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)”

Explore the history of the great city of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, from the Moravian settlement to the rise of the steel industry, through the memoirs of H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), a pioneering feminist-and pacifist, and one of the most influential poets of the 20th century.  This will be an interactive discussion and a walking tour.

Guide:  Seth Moglen, Associate Professor of English, Lehigh University;  is a scholar of 19th- and 20th-Century American Literature and American studies. He is currently at work on a book, “Bethlehem: American Utopia, American Tragedy,” which explores the 270-year history of one iconic American city.

SESSION IV:  Tuesday, July 26 from 6pm-8:30pm
“The Constructive Imagination in the Art of Invention: the Role of Creativity in the Art of Architecture”

This interactive exploration will demonstrate how the use of analogy, simulation and metaphor are used in the creative process. There will be examples from his design studios and workshops conducted at Lehigh and internationally. Possible walking tour of Viscardi’s constructions on the Lehigh campus.

Guide: Anthony Viscardi, Professor of Architecture & Art, Lehigh University, a nationally and internationally known scholar-teacher in the design and art of architecture.  Throughout his career in architectural practice and as a professor of architecture, Viscardi has continued to work as an artist and has had many solo and group exhibitions.

SESSION V:  Tuesday, August 2 from 6pm-8:30pm
“Moravian Lives through the Centuries”

Before there were blogs, Facebook or Internet searches how were our life stories told? Based on the Moravian tradition of writing a Lebenslauf (memoir) as a validation of one’s life to be shared with their community, we will interactively explore the oral and written practices of the past and discover possibilities for ourselves today.

Guide:  Frank Shipman is currently completing studies at Moravian Theological Seminary. He was the 2015 recipient of the Herman T. Frueauff Memorial Prize for his work and research in Moravian history. 

SESSION VI:  Tuesday, August 9 from 6pm-8:30pm
“A Pilgrim’s Guide to What You Need to Know about Religion Today”

Religions have decidedly not withered away under the laser-like scrutiny of rationality and scientific scrutiny.  In fact, ever since the new millennium and especially after the cataclysmic event of 9/11, it is clear that “religions” in all of their significantly positive and terrible forms have come roaring back into our global and internet connected world. So why do we do religion, where does it come from, where is it going, is it something we can’t live without, and do we need to get rid of it?  An interactive and comparative exploration of some of these issues along with discussion, some internet spelunking, and provocative short videos and/or power point.

Guide:  Norman Girardot, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Comparative Religion, Lehigh University, is an author and scholar with special expertise in Chinese religion, prehistoric religion, popular religion, outsider art and religion, and the strangeness of the human condition.

Dates and Times for the Explorations

Venture Academy is held from 6pm-8:30pm on the following dates.  Your Adventure Pass covers all six sessions.

SESSION #1:  Thursday, July 7 6pm-8:30pm  (*this is the only Thursday night)

SESSION #2:  Tuesday, July 12 6pm-8:30pm

SESSION #3:  Tuesday, July 19 6pm-8:30pm

SESSION #4:  Tuesday, July 26 6pm-8:30pm

SESSION #5:  Tuesday, August 2 6pm-8:30pm

SESSION #6:  Tuesday, August 9 6pm-8:30pm

CONCLUDING BONUS EVENT:  Participants will be invited to attend a free social gathering and special TED talk-style Venture Academy Talk (VAT) on August 16th at 6pm.  This session will include a vibrant topic and guest speaker that will kick-off the VAT series of presentations, to begin in the fall of 2016.  This session will also serve as a way for participants to meet for discussion and feedback with the Academy guides and Charter Arts staff regarding the Venture Academy experience.  Refreshments will be served.


Open to adults, 18+.

ADVENTURE PASS (Single):   $125

COUPLE/BUDDY PASS (Two):  $95 each

Early Registration Discount:  $10 off if registered by May 31, 2016

‘One Session’ Pass: $45 each (early registration discount does not apply)


The above program is an adult enrichment workshop series, open to the community. Proceeds from the program benefit teachers’ salaries at the Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts.


Summer Dance

Thursday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

6:00-7:30pm  Intermediate/Advanced Modern

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


Summer Dance

Tuesday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

4:30-6:00pm Basic Modern

6:00- 7:30pm   Intermediate/Advanced Modern

6:00-7:30pm  Basic Ballet

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


Summer Dance

Thursday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

6:00-7:30pm  Intermediate/Advanced Modern

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


Summer Dance

Tuesday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

4:30-6:00pm Basic Modern

6:00- 7:30pm   Intermediate/Advanced Modern

6:00-7:30pm  Basic Ballet

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


Summer Dance

Monday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

4:30-6:00pm Basic Jazz

6:00- 7:30pm   Intermediate/Advanced Jazz

6:00-7:30pm  Stretch Class (all levels)

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


Alumni Vocalist Cafe

7pm at Godfrey Daniels.

Reservations are suggested,


Summer Dance

Thursday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

6:00-7:30pm  Intermediate/Advanced Modern

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.



Summer Dance

Tuesday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

4:30-6:00pm Basic Modern

6:00- 7:30pm   Intermediate/Advanced Modern

6:00-7:30pm  Basic Ballet

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.



Summer Dance

Monday Nights:

4:30-6:00pm  Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

4:30-6:00pm Basic Jazz

6:00- 7:30pm   Intermediate/Advanced Jazz

6:00-7:30pm  Stretch Class (all levels)

Download Dance Class Fees and Registration Form

These classes are part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops open to the community.


Last Day for Teachers

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No description has been entered for this event.


Last Day for all Students

11AM dismissal for all students, grades 9-12.


Make-Up Finals June 10 & 13

11AM dismissal for all students, grades 9-12.



Iacocca Hall, Lehigh University

Check back for more information on time, tickets, etc.


Make-Up Finals: June 10 &13

11AM dismissal for all students, grades 9-12.


Fitness Club

Black Box Theatre

Neil Chaban is in charge of this event.


Final Exams: June 6-9

11AM dismissal for all students, grades 9-12.


Alumni Dance Concert

This is a non-ticketed event.  Donations are welcome.


Artist Cafe

This is a non-ticketed event.  Donations are welcome.


Senior Send-Off

This event is managed by Mr. Chaban and will take place in the Commons Café.


Fitness Club

Black Box Theatre

Neil Chaban is in charge of this event.


Snow Make-Up Day for ALL students

This date was originally for Senior Graduation Project, with just seniors reporting.  But, now this is a snow make-up day so it is a regular school day for ALL students.




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Senior Instrumental Showcase



Wanda & Leo DeLong Honors Piano Recital

This event was rescheduled from its original February date.

Click here for tickets.


Piano Recital

Charter Arts Theatre


Click here for tickets.


Fitness Club

Black Box Theatre

Neil Chaban is in charge of this event.


New Play Festival

Charter Arts Theatre at 7pm



Dance Quilt

Click Here to Purchase Tickets


Songwriter’s Cafe

Godfrey Daniels, 7pm.  Reservations recommended.




Charter Arts Big Band

Commons Café


Fitness Club

Black Box Theatre

Neil Chaban is in charge of this event.


Master Class w/ Terell Stafford

This event is managed by the instrumental music department.


iCal Import