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Interested in learning more about our award-winning school?
Join us for a Virtual Information Session on April 7th or schedule a tour.
Sign Up through our Admissions page.

Fun with the Arts Day Camp

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Fun with the Arts Day Camp


“Fun with the Arts” Day Camp
This day camp is designed for the child who just wants to have fun exploring dance, music, theater and theatre prop and tech skills. The program is filled with fun, fun, fun and is a great opportunity for kids to tap into their creative side. Kids who attend this session will enjoy meeting new friends, learning from outstanding instructors and will have the chance to let loose! (This program is not designed for the student who wants intense training in a particular arts discipline.)
Open to children entering 4th-7th grade
One-Week Session:  July 11-15
9am-3pm daily

Register: .2016SummerAcademyRegistration-3

A Limited Number of  Scholarships are available for the Fun with the Arts program.  If  you would like more information, email:

This workshop is part of the 2016 Summer Academy, a program of arts enrichment workshops that are open to the community.

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