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Alumni Artist-in-Residence Gabe Moses Devised Piece

February 3, 2024 7:00 pm
February 3, 2024 8:00 pm

On Saturday, February 3rd at 7pm, the Charter Arts Theatre Department welcomes Gabe Moses who will perform A Solo Piece, Excerpts from “What, To the Slave, is the Fourth of July,” by Fredrick Douglass, as part of the department’s Alumni Artist-in-Residence Program.

The Douglass speech was given new resonance in Moses’ emphasis, from joyful to humorous to cajoling to admonishing to pleading to crying. What’s more, there were pauses, silences, stillness to let the words sink in.” -Paul Willistein from Lehigh Valley Press Review

TICKETS:  $5 Student, $10 Adult Cash Tickets paid at the door.

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