A program of arts enrichment workshops that is open to the community.
Learn something new this summer and have fun working with young artists from the Lehigh Valley and beyond.
CLICK THIS BANNER to learn more!


The Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts (Charter Arts) is a regional public charter high school, funded by Pennsylvania taxpayer dollars, attracting students from more than 10 counties in the Lehigh Valley and eastern Pennsylvania. Charter Arts serves 600 students, which represent over 45 separate Pennsylvania school districts. Students audition for acceptance into one of seven artistic majors: dance, instrumental music, literary arts, production arts, theatre, visual arts, and vocal music.

Charter Arts’ unique arts-centered curriculum pairs pre-professional training in the artistic major with a rigorous core academic program. Students study their art discipline for half of the school day and engage in a full academic (core) schedule during the other half of the day. Students are accepted based solely on their artistic talent and potential.

Charter Arts creates a culture of high achievement across all art and core disciplines. Our creative students think and learn differently. Charter Arts’ students experience success in their art classes, on stage, in studios, and performing in the community, and these positive experiences help to motivate students in all of their coursework.

Students are impassioned, motivated, and want to be here. They learn self-confidence, collaboration, and problem-solving and develop discipline and a focused work ethic.

Our curriculum and course offerings, which are outlined in this catalog, have been strategically designed and enhanced over the years to meet the unique needs of students coming to Charter Arts with various and diverse
backgrounds and experiences. Further, this course catalog is designed to give you, the reader, a glimpse into the Charter Arts academic experience – both artistic and core.

2023-2024 Course Catalog

Our mission at the Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts is to provide a unique environment that fosters a creative, rigorous academic approach to learning and a development of talents in the arts. Built on passion, discipline and a commitment to excellence, this integrative educational experience inspires all students to believe in who they are and in what they can accomplish. To that end, we strive to provide rigorous, standards-aligned instruction in all courses to ensure that students are always challenged.