A program of arts enrichment workshops that is open to the community.
Learn something new this summer and have fun working with young artists from the Lehigh Valley and beyond.
CLICK THIS BANNER to learn more!

Christina Lincoln

Phone: 610-868-2971 Ext. 3133

Dr. Lincoln recently joined Charter Arts as the new Executive Director and CEO. Her post secondary education began at Penn State University where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education followed by a Masters of Education from East Stroudsburg University and doctoral work leading to her Ed. D in Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership from Northeastern University in Boston, MA.

Dr. Lincoln’s passion for the arts and education are grounded in her desire to create educational environments that inspire students to create, collaborate, and pursue artistic and academic excellence.  Her experiences as an educator and administrator support the belief that effective teaching and learning are a reciprocal process in which educators and students co-construct shared meaning, which leads students to authentically represent and express what they know and can do through various art and content-based forms of expression. In this way, the arts and traditional academic content/knowledge become part of the cognitive process. In this model, teachers empower and lead students to meet educational outcomes through the construction, communication, and expression of their learning through the multiple languages of the arts, culture, and content areas.